Innovative Approaches in Applied Engineering Fields

Innovative Approaches in Applied Engineering Fields

Nurettin DOĞAN (ed)
Selcuk University
Selahattin ALAN (ed)
Selcuk University
Züleyha YILMAZ ACAR (ed)
Selcuk University


Engineering sciences are continuously adapting to rapidly changing technological advancements and emerging challenges, striving to deliver solutions that enhance human wellbeing. In this context, the convergence of engineering disciplines contributes significantly to solving complex problems with innovative approaches. Innovative Approaches in Applied Engineering Fields aims to present the latest developments, theoretical frameworks, and practical applications in applied engineering fields. This comprehensive work, prepared by experts and researchers in the field, highlights the multidisciplinary nature of engineering.

This book encompasses a variety of studies categorized under four main sections: New Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence, Optimization, and Data Analytics in Computational Engineering explores applications of artificial intelligence and data analytics, while Pioneering Perspectives in Modern Electrical and Electronics Engineering provides innovative insights into modern electrical and electronics engineering. Additionally, Innovative Studies in Advanced Materials, Communication Protocols, and Robotic Applications presents groundbreaking research on advanced materials, communication protocols, and robotic applications, and Cost Efficiency and Schedule Predictability in Construction Projects focuses on cost efficiency and schedule management in construction projects.


Innovative Approaches in Applied Engineering Fields

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December 30, 2024


Innovative Approaches in Applied Engineering Fields