Selcuk University Journal of Turkish Studies
Selcuk University Journal of Turkish Studies
ISSN: 1300-5766 / e-ISSN: 2458-9071
Owner on Behalf of Selcuk University
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin YILMAZ (Rektor)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih Numan KÜÇÜKBALLI "Editor-in-Chief of Selçuk University Journal of Turkish Studies"
Start of Publishing: 1994
Frequency of Publication: 3 issues per year
Publisher: Selcuk University Press
Selcuk University Journal of Turkish Studies is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed and open access journal. The journal, which started its publication life in 1994, has been published uninterruptedly since 1996. Between 1997-2018, the journal published two issues a year (April and October), and since 2019, three issues a year (April, August and December). Until its 37th issue, the journal used the name Journal of Turkic Studies, and after its 38th issue, it is published under the name of Selçuk University Journal of Turkic Studies. Within the scope of the publication, original articles in the fields of Turkish language, Turkish literature, contemporary Turkish dialects and literatures, Turkish history, Turkish culture, Turkish culture, Turkish art, Turkish archeology and all fields related to Turkology, as well as translation and compilation articles can be accepted. The journal has been scanned by ULAKBIM TR INDEX since its 19th issue and by Web of Science ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) citation index since its 37th issue. Authors who wish to submit an article to the journal of Selçuk University Turkic Studies should use the dergipark system and should definitely review the spelling rules before submitting their articles.
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
MLA - Modern Language Association Database
EBSCO - Academic Search Alumni Edition
EBSCO - Academic Search Main Edition
EBSCO - Academic Search Complete
EBSCO - Academic Search Ultimate